Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 15, 3,243 pages read

I am one hundred pages away from being finished with Half Blood Prince, and I have got to say that it has been a pretty easy read. The majority of it is fluff to be honest. There are those few crucial chapters where Harry revisits memories about Voldemort in the pensieve with Dumbledore, but really that's about it. We get a lot of relationship type things in this book. All three of them seem to be getting relationship experience in this one which is good and interesting, but there wouldn't be much to this book if all of that was involved. That being said, I don't have much to comment on, but I do have a lot analysis so it won't be a waste.

I have an odd confession to make. Don't make fun of me, but immediately as I started reading chapter three, my mind reminded me that Harry was now sixteen, and that he had really grown up. Well, I-er, sort of started crushing on a fictional character.... This is certainly a laughing matter, and even I see the comedy involved, but I find myself imagining Harry differently now. When I read the books before, I still saw Harry as young, and never thought anyone could think of him in a romantic sort of way, but now I find myself eating my words. Harry is attractive, and it just goes to show you that what Hermione says, that he has never been more fanciable as true. I think what it is for me now is that he is no longer a child and he is choosing to face Voldemort because he loves all of his friends. That speaks volumes to me, so I guess I find that highly attractive. The same has been occurring for Neville as well but not as much. I'm sure while reading seven, I will be head over heels for the both of them lol. Hey! At least I'm not ranting on about how beautiful a creepy vampire is.

Now that I have addressed that completely embarrassing truth, I want to mention a few things that stood out to me before going into the Ron and Hermione analysis, which will be very lengthy.
1. I love it when Mr. Weasley asks Molly the security question, and she has to answer that she like to be called 'Mollywobbles' when they are alone together. AWWWWW!!!!!!!
2. The chapter image for chapter 16. I love that. Poor garden gnome lol.
3. When I first read the scene where Ron is poisoned and almost dies, I flipped out! I think I was twelve or thirteen, and I remember crying hysterically because I had this theory that Jo would kill Ron. The best friends always get it! Anyway I was relieved that Ron had escaped death in six, but it on solidified my belief that he would snuff it in seven since he had escaped death once. Let me just say that I am so happy that I was wrong.

Ron and Hermione Analysis (there is a lot, so bear with me!) :
1. When Hermione is naming off the different scents that the love potion gives off, she names what she smells: freshly mowed grass, new parchment, and...she trails off. Jo is implying that she smells Ron, more specifically, his hair (I read that somewhere). Harry has this same experience, only he smells the flowery scent of Ginny.
2. Only a page later, Ron gets jealous of Harry because Harry had told Slughorn that Hermione was the best in their year, and Hermione beams at Harry. "'Well what's so impressive about that?' whispered Ron, who for some reason looked annoyed 'You are the best in the year-I'd've told him so if he'd asked me!'"
3. Where Hermione tells Harry that he's never been more fanciable. "Ron gagged on a large piece of kipper." Jealous again eh? Harry looks confused so Hermione explains why he is so attractive all of a sudden, saying that he stuck to his story when the Ministry was spreading lies about him and specifically bringing up the scars from the writing on the back of his hand. "'You can still see where those brains got a hold of me in the Ministry, look,' said Ron, shaking back his sleeves.
'And it doesn't hurt that you've grown about a foot over the summer either,' Hermione finished, ignoring Ron.
'I'm tall,' said Ron inconsequentially." Now we can start to see where Ron suspects that there may be something more than friendship between Harry and Hermione. Of course it's utter nonsense, since Harry is obviously so attracted to Ginny, but this is Ron we are talking about. He's not the sharpest tool in the box when it comes to understanding girls.
4. Man this scene is very obvious. Hermione and Ron are fighting about the Slug Club because he's sore that he can't go to any of the parties, and he says that her Cormac should hook up so that Slughorn can make them King and Queen Slug.
"'We're allowed to bring guests,' said Hermione, who for some reason had turned a bright, boiling scarlet, 'and I was going to ask you to come, but if you think it's that stupid then I won't bother!'
'You were going to ask me?' asked Ron, in a completely different voice.
'Yes,' said Hermione angrily. 'But obviously if you'd rather I hooked up with McLaggen . . .'
'No, I wouldn't,' said Ron, in a very quiet voice." Once again, not the sharpest tool in the shed.
5. Ron has just been poisoned and is lying in the hospital wing. Hermione finally speaks after being there with the rest. "'Er-my-nee,' croaked Ron unexpectedly from between them." I think it's pretty clear what he was saying there. Either he was dreaming about her, or he heard her voice, and wanted to talk to her. Funny though. He didn't do that for the others....
6. This has got to be the biggest of them all, in my opinion any way. Ron's spell check quill's charm is wearing off, so he has to re-do his D.A.D.A. essay but Hermione pulls it out of his hands and helps him fix the misspelled words. "'It's okay, we can fix it,' said Hermione, pulling the essay toward her and taking out her wand.
'I love you, Hermione,'" -YEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS! TAKE THAT LAV-LAV! "said Ron, sinking back in his chair rubbing his eyes wearily. Hermione turned faintly pink." I don't care under what circumstances in which he said this because all arrows point to him loving her anyway, so of course he means it! He just knows that he can get away with it when he says it that pretext. Hmmm, maybe Ron is a little smarter than I gave him credit for.... Nah.
So I think every reader should realize now that Ron likes Hermione. A LOT! Hermione likes Ron. Take that Dramione shippers! Stop being incessantly stupid!

I forgot to talk about this in my OotP blog, so I'll just do it now. I have always loved the idea of Patronuses and how they are all different for each person. I always wondered what my Patronus would look like, and I have come to the conclusion that I would like mine to look like a woodchuck. Odd choice yes, but they look funny when they run, and I know that my running style is very comedic, so I think it is a very good pick. Boys, what say you on this subject? What do you think your patronus is and what would be mine? In my opinion Josh is a ram. You're very stubborn, and you will charge at someone until they see your side. Very commendable. Zach, I think you resemble a mandrill baboon. Like Rafiki! You're smart and gentle, but can be very funny too.

That's all for now. I am finally caught up with all of my reading, but I think I might just go ahead and finish HBP tonight. I'm almost finished with anyhow. Cheers!


  1. I could deal with having a Rafiki Patronus. xD

  2. Bahahahaha! I agree w/ your Patronus ideas... mine would probably be a fat housecat like Perkins...

  3. lol at the Patronuses... I'm a Capricorn btw... a ram!
