Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 2, 650 pages read

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Late last night I finished the second book, and there wasn't much within dialogue for the plot line that I forgot, but there were a lot of funny quotes that I somehow seemed to have forgotten. I remembered the story well with Chamber, and have not many things to point out in this one.

So onto to funny quotes that had me laughing for ages:

Quote number one comes from our berk of a character Malfoy. This has got to be Draco's best quote in my book although it shows that he has no respect even for his closest friends which Jo tells us that this kid is one slimey sleeze ball. Anyway this quote occurs in the Slytherin Common Room after Harry and Ron both take polyjuice potion to look like Crabbe and Goyle. So Harry and Ron are basically interrogating Malfoy, and Malfoy brings up Azkaban. Harry being brought up a muggle has obviously never heard of it, so he says "Azkaban?"
"Azkaban-the wizard prison, Goyle," said Malfoy, looking at him in disbelief. "Honestly, if you were any slower, you'd be going backwards." Enough said. Best Draco quote ever.

Number Two comes from our very own Ronald Weasley when the trio are discussing what T.M. Riddle could have done for the school to receive a special award for services to the school and Ron smartly says, "Could've been anything," said Ron. "Maybe he got thirty O.W.L.S. or saved a teacher from the giant squid. Maybe he murdered Myrtle; that would've done everyone a favor...." I guess Ron would know soon enough how right he was.

Now onto my favorite part. Ron and Hermione analysis. All right, so I have thought long and hard about Ron's actions in Chamber because where there was only small evidence to go on that Hermione cared for Ron in one, there is bundles of things to show that Ron may be feeling something for Hermione. It appears to me that Ron doesn't fancy her yet of course, but there is an odd feeling that Ron is being a bit protective of Hermione. First you see it with Malfoy calling her a mudblood and Ron acting out and trying to curse him for it. There are more small occasions where he gets annoyed at her admiration of Lockhart. I wouldn't go so far as to say that he was jealous at these times, but Ron doesn't like Lockhart and thins he is a good for nothing liar, and he doesn't seem to like the fact that Hermione fancies someone like this and wants to protect her from him. Another moment that truly had me considering his feelings for her was when Malfoy talks about wanting Granger to be the next one attacked and wanting her to be the one killed. Ron clenches his fists and turns red in Crabbe's body making it look odd to Malfoy. Harry, who hears the same thing is angered but stays cool unlike Ron who obviously has a very touchy nerve when it comes to Hermione. Later on when Hermione is attacked, it is Ron who yells out her name instead of Harry. Once again Malfoy repeats that he wished Granger would have been the one who was killed after she was only petrified, only this time Ron didn't glare at him, he tried to attack him screaming that he didn't need a wand, he'd kill him with his bare hands. Luckily Harry held him back and Ron never got his hands on Malfoy. Once the news that the petrified people have been revived is told to the group in McGonagall's office, Ron instantaneously yells out "So Hermione's ok!" All of these moments made me wonder exactly how Ron viewed Hermione at this time in his character development. Harry, who cares for his two best friends deeply, doesn't call out her name when she is in danger or happy to see her, and I'm pretty sure Jo did this on purpose to show that it is in fact Ron who will fall in love with the girl of the trio. From what I can see now is that Ron feels protective over Hermione ever since the troll incident. He felt guilty but never truly admitted that he was wrong for teasing her in their first year, but I'm sure somewhere inside of his good heart, Ron decided that no one would ever tease or hurt her again. It only makes sense for him to see it that way especially since she could've died if he hadn't sent her to the bathroom crying in the first place.

I want to quickly address something that made me nearly sob at midnight this morning. Harry has a quote where he is talking to Dobby after he sets him free that made me set the book done and think what a genius Jo is.
""Harry Potter has set Dobby free!"
"Least I could do," said Harry, grinning. "Just promise never to try and save my life again."
The elf's ugly brown face suddenly split into a wide, toothy smile."
Thank God Dobby never promised him anything that day.

So currently I am on Prisoner of Azkaban which I will be reading all day long, so I'll have an update about today for you late on.


  1. Dawwwwww I love Dobby.

    I agree with what you're saying about Ron and Hermione. Neither of them really know. But Hermione has a pretty good grip on her emotions and she probably has a better understanding of what she feels about Ron. Ron has a lot less of a clue. The protective instincts and the subconscious stuff is there, but it'll take a few more books of Hermione getting herself into trouble for him to really get it at the end of the 6th book.

  2. The Dobby thing blew my mind. You wonder if Jo knew he was going to save them in book 7. O_o
